Welcome to the Safety barometer and Emergency kit!
This tool is for supporting you to assess your situation, and to collect and come up with ways of dealing with your issues in case of need.
Before starting to work with this tool, assure that you have
enough time: at least 30-50 minutes of undisturbed time
enough and safe space to work without interruptions and being disturbed in your process
you can use this tool alone or if you have a person of confidence, you can also invite others to do it with you.
The tool has two tools, a safety barometer and an emergency kit. You start working with the safety barometer.
Safety barometer
This is a self-assessment tool on your feelings of security. Here we ask you, if you feel safe in general, and right now (current feeling of safety). Feeling safe means you are not tensed, or anxious, you are not very worried, and you believe that you can deal with the issues of your life.
Please choose a number from 1 to 10 for how you feel, where 1 is the feeling of very unsafe (of future, present, life danger etc.), and 10 is the perfectly safe.
How would you evaluate your sense of safety in general?
How would you evaluate your sense of safety right now?
When you feel safer, we invite you to come back and fill out our Safety Barometer again and then proceed with the Emergency Kit.
Emergency Kit
Think about it! What can you do, when someone around you feels upset or is in a crisis? How can you support them, or what can you suggest them to do? Think also about how you can support yourself in such situations.
List as many ways as possible (it can be as simple as drinking a hot tea, taking a shower, or going out to nature, but also more complicated):
Think about it! What outside help is available for you or others who feel upset and / or in crisis? Where and to whom can you turn for help? List as many as possible, and as concrete as possible, as this will be emergency kit information.
Here are your self-help and emergency help ideas together. These are your tools. Now choose a symbol for each tool, which can represent that way of help or self-help!
There are several pages of symbols, just like the emojis. Choose always a different one for different tool!
Here is you own Emergency Kit!
We suggest you to keep it in your purse or bag with you and in a place in your home where you can find it easily, and in case of emergency, use it!